Public Lecture for Jesmond Festival – The renowned religious historian and former President of Magdalene College, Cambridge, Professor Eamon Duffy FSA FBA KSG will visit the Church of the Holy Name in North Jesmond Avenue, on Saturday 4 May to give his lecture Celebrity Priest: Robert Hugh Monsignor Benson and the End of the World. Professor Duffy will discuss Fr Benson’s life and work, and that of his father, who was Archbishop of Canterbury. One of Fr Benson’s brothers wrote “Land of Hope and Glory”, while the other wrote the Mapp and Lucia novels. All are welcome. when doors open at 11:00 am, for this non-ticketed event. 11:00 am for 11:30 am start, ends 12:30 pm. Cold refreshments are available at the back of church after the lecture and you are very welcome to join us.